Autumn Beads, Profiting from Charities + Stones for November
This month is autumn beads, profiting from charities, and citrine and yellow topaz, the gemstones for November. Scroll down, or click one of the links below on the html version to go to a certain section. To go to the MrBead store click MrBead.com or MrBead.co.uk
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Autumn Jewelry
Gems for the Fall
How Charities can bring You Big
Citrine - Mellow Yellow
Christmas is close!
Yellow Topaz
15% Off Anything
is a great time to make some classy seasonal jewelry. Amber is ideal for
this time of year, along with all types of brown, dark greens, gold, and misty
yellow. Pearls, nature's treasure from the deep, can be very effective
mixed with other beads – especially as they come in autumn colors too. Let
these fabulous fall colors with a touch of gold capture your imagination as well
as your eye. Try mixing contrasting colors like brown and gold with blues
and green. Some of the most popular gemstones that make fabulous autumn
jewelry are listed below. To see any of these gemstones in our US store,
just click the picture.
is the obvious stone to use in Fall. It forms by filling a cavity in its
host rock, resulting in round nodules, with bands like the rings of a tree
trunk, looking like eyes. Agate was highly valued as a talisman in ancient
times and has been used as a traveler’s amulet for centuries. It is
believed to bring good fortune, health, wealth and long life. Some call
its strange patterns 'cosmic caterpillar tracks'. Others' swear that
wearing these beads can heighten the spiritual consciousness and balance the
body's physical and mental states. Dzi is one of the most mysterious of
all the beads known today. These shiny Tibetan agate beads, patterned with
mystical eyes are among the most treasured beads in the world. “Dzi” in Tibetan
means: "shine, brightness, clearness, and splendor.
stone from the quartz family, usually bright orange to reddish orange. Carnelian
is for confidence. Said to help blood disorders and eliminate toxins from
the body. Carnelian is in tune with the energies of the Earth, making you
feel anchored and comfortable with your environment. A good stone for
people starting new projects or who feel they are going nowhere. It
motivates, allowing you to find the energy to make the most out of life.
”Citrine” comes from the French word for lemon,
and is any quartz crystal or cluster that’s yellow to orange. The darker,
orange colors were traditionally the best, but today people prefer bright lemony
shades to mix with pastel colors. Sunny citrine brightens all jewelry,
blending especially well with the yellow gleam of polished gold. The
yellow color is a natural reviver, and citrine focuses the mind bringing a
feeling of self-esteem.
was long thought to be a strong talisman against evil spirits and hurricanes.
It is also said to reduce blood flow. Naturally its color ranges from
white to red, but most red coral these days is dyed. However, these days almost
any color can be made by dying white coral. It grows in branches that look like
underwater trees.
Flake Stone
most common flaked stone is goldstone which is ideal for autumn jewelry. A
man-made stone, first created by alchemists trying to make gold - however, all
material has properties, these are transmitter stones. Causing light to
pass through you in order to convey or receive a medium. Revitalizing,
energizing, and encouraging a positive attitude and individualism
Jade & Aventurine
5,000 years Imperial China used the word "jade" as something precious.
Because jade is said to have all the attributes most valued in society. A
symbol of purity and serenity, it is delicate, but will not break - is
beautiful, but not impermanent, it can be flawed with lines, but still pleasing.
It is believed to radiate divine unconditional love and balance the emotions.
The most famous type of jade carved in China is from Burma, with shades of
green, lavender, yellow, white and grey.
was highly valued in ancient times, not only for its beauty, but also for its
magical and medicinal properties. Jasper is known as the “patron stone of
counselors and healers”. Red jasper is an intensely protective stone,
stabilizing the aura and bringing contentment. Poppy jasper is dark red
with black flecks. Picture jasper is pale brown with darker patterns
- named from pictures formed by patterns caused by trapped fossilizes algae.
Fancy jasper is creamy brown with lavender or green swirls.
Lazuli is gemstone straight out of fairy tales of the Arabian Nights:
deepest blue with golden shining Pyrite inclusions which twinkle like little
stars. Through the ages, lapis has been associated with power, wisdom, and
love. The twinkling inclusions are not gold but pyrite, caused by
iron. The blue color comes from the sulfuric content of lazurite.
For many people lapis is a stone of truth and friendship. A powerful
gemstone that should not be worn by those who lack strength of character.
Malachite & Rhodonite
is green with irregular black banding. Its green stripes have the ability to
soothe and bring rest - helping sleep, meditation, the circulation and balancing
emotions. The copper content helps rheumatism. The magic of
malachite is also thought to attract love and wealth. Some say malachite
travels the world in search of energies to change. Rhodonite is usually
pink to red or orange, very popular in 18th-century Russia where it was used
extensively to decorate the Russian court. Rhodonite has similar
properties to malachite.
forms in Western Australia. An Australian aboriginal healing stone that bestows
strength. It helps heal wounds and encourages the desire for variety and new
experiences. Mookaite helps us to be kind to others is a very protective stone
least expensive cultured pearls today rival the most expensive natural pearls
ever found. Natural freshwater pearls occur in mussels for the same reason
saltwater pearls occur in oysters. Foreign material inside a mussel can't
be expelled. To reduce irritation, the mollusk coats the intruder with the
same secretion it uses for shell-building, nacre. To cultivate a pearl,
farmers slit the mussel and insert small pieces of live tissue from another
mussel. This can produce usually odd shapes. So for more roundness, the
Chinese now reshape rejected pearls into spheres, and then nucleate mussels with
them. Being an organic gem, grooves, pits, or dents are expected.
Freshwater pearls are popular for their colors: white, silvery-white, pink, red,
copper, brown, lavender, purple, green, blue, and yellow. These are
usually dyed these days.
Tigers Eye
is polished to show its characteristic band of pearly luminescence, resulting
from light reflecting off its thin parallel inclusions in the quartz.
Colors range from a rich golden yellow to dark brown. Tiger’s-Eye is good for
those worried about health. It also builds will-power and inner-strength.
is a common gemstone that has been used for centuries in jewelry. Usually golden
brown to yellow color. The Egyptians said that topaz was colored with the golden
glow of the mighty sun god Ra. This made topaz a very powerful amulet that
protected the faithful against harm. The Romans associated topaz with Jupiter,
who also is the god of the sun. And Greek legend has it that topaz could make
the wearer invisible and would change color in the presence of poisoned food or
Click any of the above pictures to see these type of beads in our store
How Charities can bring you Big
I once run a very successful promotion for my photographic studio helping
Cystic Fibrosis. We’d telephone the local newspaper to arrange a competition
where readers collected coupons from the paper to receive a free studio portrait
sitting. The charity benefited from
10% off all resulting orders for photographs.
People brought more newspapers, and I got more sales and free publicity.
Everyone gained!
“karma” means what you give is what you get.
It also makes you feel good to help other people and make the world a
better place.
How to get into the game
Approach a local charity and agree to donate a percentage of sales from a
campaign to them. Using their logo
and name in your flyers and marketing will attract caring customers and increase
turnover. Plus you’ll feel great by
encouraging buyers to spend more to help the charity – I get a lot of fun out of
this. You can use the idea at a
craft show or for your display in someone else’s store.
And your donation is tax-deductible.
Own exhibition
You could even organize your own jewelry exhibition in an empty city centre
store. Find out who owns the
premises and tell them how you want to help a local charity.
They’ll let you use the shop for free, and you’ll get loads of new
potential customers, plus free publicity.
Make sure you inform the local newspaper, they may even send a
photographer down.
Charities bring sales all ways
Tell your jewelry home party hostess that you’ll donate 10% of takings to
her favorite charity. That’s incentive for her to get extra guests to her party,
and those shoppers will buy more generously.
Sell the benefits to the charity along with your jewelry.
For instance, if your charity is Oxfam, you could say purchasing one of
your necklaces is a way to save children dying.
Sponsor an event
Consider sponsoring a race at a local school or club, then giving your jewelry
as a prize. A similar idea that
worked well for my studio was to donate portrait prizes to local schools and
clubs. Some came just for the
freebee, but most brought more. However, the resulting publicity will bring you
extra sales anyway.
This article is one of 157 sections from our new book. For more
on both the UK version and the US version, and to buy the book at a special
discount, click:
How to Make a
Killing Selling Bead Jewellery or
How to Make a
Killing Selling Bead Jewelry.
Order Easy for Christmas!
Christmas creeps up faster than you expect. Beaded jewelry makes great
lasting presents. Get your order in early to allow plenty of time to
arrive and make up.
”Citrine” comes from the French word for lemon, and is any quartz crystal or
cluster that’s yellow to orange. The darker, orange colors were traditionally
the best, but today people prefer bright lemony shades to mix with pastel
colors. Citrine with man-made color tends to have more of an orange or reddish
caste. Most natural citrine starts life as amethyst until heated in a molten
state to change.
Sunny and affordable, citrine brightens all jewelry, blending especially well
with the yellow gleam of polished gold. The yellow color is a natural reviver,
and citrine focuses the mind bringing a feeling of self-esteem. In medication it
helps re-establish the link between your conscious and subconscious minds. If
you are feeling down, try holding citrine to lift your spirit. It’s also very
good at healing the body and helping people communicate. Citrine has warm
energy, promotes optimism, and attracts abundance.
Citrine is one of the few stones that removes negative energy and never requires
cleansing. In ancient times it was carried as a protection against snake venom
and evil thoughts. Known as a "merchants' stone”, placed in the cash register to
not only acquire wealth but to maintain it as well. Citrine is the birthstone
for November, and its corresponding signs are Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Leo.
Although the darker, orange colors of citrine, sometimes called Madeira citrine
after the color of the wine, has generally been the most valued color, in modern
times, many people prefer the bright lemony shades which mix better with pastel
colors. Most citrine comes from Brazil.
Sometimes you will hear citrine referred to as topaz quartz, which is incorrect.
This name was used in the past in reference to the color, which is sometimes
similar to the color of topaz. Since topaz is a separate mineral, this type of
name can be confusing. However, citrine is considered an alternative to topaz as
the birthstone for November. As long as citrine is protected from prolonged
exposure to light or heat, it will last for years.
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Yellow Topaz
Yellow topaz looks very similar to citrine.
The Egyptians thought topaz was colored with the golden glow of the sun god
Ra. This made topaz a very powerful amulet that protected the faithful against
harm. The Romans associated topaz with Jupiter, who also is the god of the sun.
Topaz sometimes has the amber gold of fine cognac or the blush of a peach and
all the beautiful warm browns and oranges. Some rare and exceptional topaz can
be pink to sherry red.
Wear topaz only if you wish to be clear-sighted: legend has it that it dispels
all enchantment and helps to improve eyesight as well! The ancient Greeks
believed that it had the power to increase strength and make its wearer
invisible in times of emergency. Topaz was also said to change color in the
presence of poisoned food or drink. Its mystical curative powers waxed and waned
with the phases of the moon: it was said to cure insomnia, asthma, and
Brown, yellow, orange, sherry, red and pink topaz is found in Brazil and Sri
Lanka. Pink topaz is found in Pakistan and Russia. Today we also have blue
topaz, which has a pale to medium blue color created by irradiation. Pale topaz
which is enhanced to become blue is found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and
China. In early 1998, a new type of enhanced topaz made its appearance, the
surface-enhanced topaz, with colors described as blue to greenish-blue or
emerald green. Topaz is a very hard gemstone but it can be split with a single
blow, a trait it shares with diamond. As a result it should be protected from
hard knocks.
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15% Off Anything
Sample our beads with 15% off anything from our MrBead bead store, just key in "mellowyellow" at the checkout (without the
inverted commas) and click "Redeem Coupon". No minimum.
Offer valid until Thursday 11th November 2010 only - so act now! Only for use in our
store at the checkout and not valid with any other offers.
To see all our citrine beads click MrBead.com or MrBead.co.uk
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