& Turquoise Beads
This month’s is Christmas beads, & December's
birthstone, Turquoise. We can deliver your Christmas present to anywhere in the
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Christmas Beads
Great Present Ideas
Turquoise – the birthstone for December
Ancient Christmas
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Beads make great presents. They are small and light, so being easily mailed or tucked in a stocking.. They are also personal, and a necklace or bracelet worn often is hard to forget who gave it. You can even hang them on the Christmas tree. Christmas is the peak retail season too, so don’t be left out if you’re a seller: Get Listing! It will pay to make as many quality necklaces and bracelets as you can – both to sell and to give away as Xmas gifts.
Turquoise is the gemstone for December, but pearls also make an ideal Christmas present, appreciated by all. Both gemstones have such an air of quality; all recipients will love you for ever. For quality, pearls and silver together, speak sophistication - a small bracelet may be all you need. Necklaces in a nice presentation box are nice too. A matching necklace and erring set is good as well. And all are easy to gift-wrap. If you buy ready made jewelry online, get your supplier to mail your present direct in December – saving you both time and money. To read our site telling you all about pearls and how to make a pearl necklace click to top
Christmas Present Ideas - Click a link for details:
Turquoise is the gemstone for December. Turquoise is a soft, opaque gemstone – formed by volcanic rock reacting to copper deposits brought by water. Ranging from blue-green, to yellow-green with grey, black or brown veining. Turquoise has been found in 5,000-year-old Egyptian tombs and the Tibetans used it as currency centuries ago. North Africa and the Middle East hold large deposits, but most turquoise today originates from Burma and is carved in China. Turquoise didn’t reach Europe until the crusades when the name originated, meaning "Turkish stone”.
Ancient doctors thought turquoise prevented injury in
accidents and ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders, internal
bleeding, and insect bites. Turquoise has always been used to protect the wearer
from danger, attract wealth, and warn as a talisman or good luck charm. Some
believe it will fade when danger or illness is near, or a lover is unfaithful.
It is also said to protect against pollution and strengthen the body.
Turquoise is porous, so contact with liquids, oils or even
perspiration should be avoided. Jewelry should be removed before washing.
Turquoise is commonly impregnated with plastic, colorless oil or wax to improve
color and increase durability. Untreated turquoise will eventually turn green.
As genuine turquoise is expensive, reconstituted turquoise is made today.
Crafted from real turquoise chips fused with other stones to cut the cost.
There are many different turquoise in the store, see at: MrBead.com or MrBead.co.uk
before Jesus, December has long been a time of celebration around the world.
During the winter solstice, when Europeans could look forward to longer days
with extended hours of sunlight. In Scandinavia, the Norse celebrated Yule from December 21. In recognition of the return of the sun, fathers and
sons would bring home large logs to burn. The people would feast until the log
burned out, which could take up to12 days.
December was a perfect time
to celebrate in most of Europe. When cattle were slaughtered to save feeding
them during the winter. For many, it was the only time they ate fresh meat, and wine and
beer was ready for drinking. In Germany, people
honored the pagan god Oden. Germans were terrified
of him, believing he flew through the sky to observe who would prosper or
perish. Roman Emperor Aurelian choose December 25th to be the center of festivities
during the winter solstice. When Christianity became the religion of Rome,
it was decided to combine this pagan festival with celebration of Christ.
No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but the Scriptures reveal it
could be Spring of the year 2 BC.
The legend of Santa Claus
originates from a 4th century bearded bishop named Saint Nicholas, living in
what is now Turkey. Because of his generosity to the poor, there became a feast
day in honor of the anniversary of his death, December 6. In the late-18th
century, Dutch settlers brought this legend to America.
Don't know what
Present to Buy? Gift Vouchers make a Great Christmas Gift!
To purchase any of our MrBead gift vouches at an $8 discount click here
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the more you save!
Free shipping to Wednesday 3rd December only - order NOW! For use in our store at the checkout only and not valid for wholesale or with any other offers.
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