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Agate Beads
We find at
MrBead agate has become more popular recently - hence our increased stock of all
types of this bead. No gemstone is more creatively striped by nature than
agate, technically, chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a wide
variety of colors and textures. Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity
in its host rock, resulting in round nodules, with bands like the rings of a
tree trunk, looking like eyes.
Agate comes in many different forms, one of the most common
being Sardonyx - derived from the Greek word “Sard” meaning reddish brown, and
“onyx”: veined gem. Sardonyx usually contains white and brownish-red bands.
Roman soldiers wore sardonyx talismans engraved with figures of Hercules or
Mars, believing that the stone would make them braver. During the Renaissance,
public speakers thought sardonyx helped them talk more forceful.
Another type of agate, Dzi, is one of the most mysterious
of all gemstones. These shiny beads usually from Tibet, patterned with mystical
eyes are among the most treasured in the world. “Dzi” in Tibetan means shine,
brightness, clearness, and splendor.
Agate was highly valued as a talisman in ancient times and
has been used as a traveler’s amulet for centuries. It’s believed to bring good
fortune, health, wealth and long life, as well as quenching thirst and
preventing fevers. Persian magicians used agate to divert storms and athletes
to increase vitality. Shia Muslims wear an agate ring on the right hand,
engraved with the name of Allah. Others' swear that wearing these beads can
heighten the spiritual consciousness and balance the body's physical and mental
states. Agate is also thought to cure scorpion stings and snake bites. Some
call its strange patterns 'cosmic caterpillar tracks'. Pagans believe agate
brings love, clears thought, and is lucky in card games.
See our Agate Strands
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Sardonyx Agate
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Loose Agate
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