What Are Dzi

5,000 years, crafters in
India and
have cut natural agates into round or tubbier shapes,
and polished to make the stone's markings stand out.
After firing at extreme
temperature, these patterns are etched onto the stone.
Then, over time, the designs become eroded by weathering
and wear. Each bead has unique features and meanings.
The Mystery?

believe Dzi beads possess magical power. These
mysterious beads have been found among golden masks and
other burial artifacts in 2,000-year-old tombs.
Once uncovered, Tibetans
pass them from generation to generation making authentic
dzi beads very expensive. “Dzi” in Tibetan means shine,
brightness, clearness, and splendor.
although over 99% of dzis are now mass produced, part of
this magic can still be shared.
Allowing the home jewellery
crafter to take advantage of ancient
and market these inexpensive beads with mystery.
Facts & Myths

are many stories and superstitious to these ancient
beads. Like stones falling from the heavens or carved by
creatures under the ground.
Some believe the aura of
magnetic energy within the bead has healing properties.
Others think dzi beads can 'store
karma': either good or bad. However, this is nonsense as
karma cannot be transferred, destroyed or given. What
one sows, one reaps - so its impossible for a stone to
make any difference.
New Dzi Beads
Mass produced dzi beads are shiny, flawless, with
clearly defined patterns. Nevertheless, they make
interesting jewellery that sells well.