How to Start a Beading Group
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To receive FREE SHIPPING off anything in our bead shops, enter LUTONSHOW in the box at checkout, and click "Redeem Coupon". Use NOW - as expires Friday 17th May 2013. No minimum order, but can only for used at or and cannot be used with any other discount or eBay.
Thanks to everyone who called on us at Beads Up North.
Others still have a chance to see us in the UK for a free gift: next show at
Luton on Saturday 18th May 2013 and next day at North East Bead Show in
Newcastle Upon Tyne, Sunday 19th May. For details of all
our shows click here.
At out bead show on 9th June, Lorraine Cannell of The Bead Queen will be displaying her excellent collection
of beaded jewellery in Norwich - see at or
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How to Start a Craft or Beading Group Diane Gilleland is a crafty organizer extraordinaire: She
runs DIY Alert, an Oregon-based events and announcements site in the US -
covering all things craft. I asked for her advice for forming a beading group:
If you want to put the word out to the general public, is an excellent website where it's free to post notices of your
meetings, and it's available in a great many cities. Check to see if your local
newspapers offer free online classifieds, too. You can also make some simple
flyers and ask your local craft stores to put them out for their customers. If you're inviting friends, then you can meet in someone's
home. If you're inviting the general public, then a public space like a
coffeehouse would be a better location. Make sure your meeting place has plenty
of seating, bright light, and plenty of table space.
What's a good game plan for a craft group
meeting? One really fun group project is a Beading Bee. Have each
person bring 50 assorted beads, plus an assortment of findings. Then, everyone
piles up all those beads in a large dish. Each person picks 50 new beads out of
the dish, and then proceeds to make a piece of jewellery (or two) from what
they've selected. It's so much fun to see what people create!
Any suggestions on whether each person
should bring their own tools/supplies or if there's a system that works well for
groups you've been part of?
Anything else you'd like to add? From an article by Susan Beal at:
UK Bead Societies
To Download our List of UK Bead Societies click
See us in the UK for
a Free Gift!
us in the UK and say you're a MrBead Newsletter reader, and we'll give you a
MrBead bag & a free gift! We will also be
calling at many beading groups. If you would like us to call on your group,
please e-mail or tweet or phone Nigel on 07576134264.
Read about me (Nigel Mckay - who I am & what I do) at my new site at
MrBead Discount
To receive FREE SHIPPING off anything in our bead
shops, enter LUTONSHOW in the box at checkout, and click "Redeem Coupon".
Use NOW - as expires Friday 17th May 2013. No minimum order, but can only
for used at or and cannot be used
with any other discount or eBay.
Follow us on Twitter at MrBead@UKMrBead and follow
Nigel at Nigel@NigelMckayAny general tips for starting a new
When you want to
start a group, the simplest approach is to start with your friends. Ask everyone
you know, even casual acquaintances - if they'd be interested in attending.
ask each of them to ask their friends. You can often build a good-sized group
just from your own network.
If you prefer a
more relaxed group, you can just invite everyone to bring a project they're
working on. Or, if the group wants to explore a particular technique together,
you might all agree to bring a specific set of findings or beads and any books
people might have on the subject. Then, you can all help each other learn.
I like to have everyone bring his or her own tools if they can—at least a pair
of needle-nose pliers and some wire cutters. Usually, people are willing to
share. These group meetings are also excellent places to swap extra beads and
findings from your stash. Stuff you haven't managed to use in years might be
just the thing for someone else's project.
Building a good craft group takes persistence. You may
have a few meetings where too few people show up, but keep meeting and keep
putting the word out. Sometimes, it takes people a while to overcome their
social anxieties and visit a new group. Give yourself at least three months'
worth of meetings before you decide to call it quits.
To See our List of UK Bead Societies click
If you run a UK bead society
and would like us to call on you (none too small!) please
e-mail or tweet Nigel, or phone 07576134264.
Saturday 18th May 2013 - The Luton MrBead
Bead Show - Stockwood Hotel, Stockwood Crescent, Luton, LU1 3SS
Sunday 19th
May 2013 - The North East Bead Show - Holiday Inn, Great North Road, Seaton
Burn, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE13 3BP
Sunday 2nd June 2013 - Cheshire Bead Fair
- Nantwich Civic Hall, CW5 5DG
Sunday 9th June 2013 - Norwich
MrBead Bead Show with The Bead Queen - George Hotel, Arlington Lane, Norwich,
Fri, Sat & Sunday 14th, 15th & 16th June - Middlewich Folk
& Boat Fair, Cheshire, CW10 9AS.
A fabulous weekend of
folk & roots music. We will be in the craft tent, canalside.
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