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Day Beads
Mothering Sunday in the UK for 2009 is on 22nd March, and
in the US on 10th May. The earliest mention of Mother’s Day goes back to
spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.
During the 1600's, England celebrated “Mothering Sunday" on the 4th Sunday of
Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter). Then, many of the England's poor
worked as servants for the wealthy. As most were employed far from their homes,
the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday
the servants had the day off and encouraged to return home and spend the day
with their mothers.
In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in
1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace. Then in 1914, Ana Jarvis
from Philadelphia, with the help of the church, managed to persuade President
Woodrow Wilson to make the second Sunday of May a national holiday in honor of
the anniversary of her mother’s death. However, many countries celebrate
Mother's Day at different times throughout the year - except Denmark, Finland,
Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium who also celebrate Mother's Day on the
second Sunday of May.
What would mother like on her special day? Beads of
course! Make a special necklace or bracelet as a gift for your mother and
mother-in-law this year – or purchase one already made. Jewelry is always
appreciated, and gains sentimental value with age allowing Mother to always
remember who it came from. Pearls are great, but any pink or warm-colored stone
jewelry would be appreciated!
See our bracelets at and
Necklaces at and
Pearls at and
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