MrBead Bead Shop

MrBead Bead Newsletter
15th February 2015  

  Lapis Luzuli, Don't Sell Jewellery Cheap & New Beads    

Chinese Year of the Goat - 2015  Kung Hei Fat Choy - Happy New Year! 
February 19th is the start of the Chinese Year of the Goat. For more, see our last newsletter here. Hope you like this new newsletter format.

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New Beads
Bead Buying in China
Don't Sell Jewellery Cheap!
Lapis Lazuli Beads
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For free shipping on our bead store enter LAPISBEADS in the box at checkout and click "Redeem Coupon" Use NOW - as expires Saturday 21st February 2015.  No minimum order, but can only for used at  or and cannot be used with any other discount or eBay.

New Beads:

200 Colourful Rondelle Pony Beads - 9mm x 6mm
Colourful Rondelle Pony Beads

30 Lavender Flower Pony Beads
Lavender Flower Pony Beads

30 Blue Flower Pony Beads
Blue Flower Pony Beads

120 Invigorating Lavender & Green Calsilica Rondells Beads
Lavender & Green Calsilica Rondells Beads

Distinctive 19 Segment Blue Turquoise Bracelet
Distinctive 19 Segment Blue Turquoise Bracelet

Romantic Faceted Moonstone Rondelle Bracelet
Romantic FAC Moonstone Rondelle Bracelet

38 Rainbow Turquoise Butterfly Beads - Unusual!
Rainbow Turquoise Butterfly Beads - Unusual!

Large 19mm Shiny Green Agate Button Beads - Heavy!
Large 19mm Shiny Green Agate Button Beads - Heavy!

New BeadsWe've just returned from a buying trip across the border. Many of these new beads will appear in our What's New store category, and latter in the year at our UK bead fairs. Pic shows Nigel with over 300 kgms of beads from our place in China to our place in HongKong.

After Chinese New Year, we'll be going back looking for the latest beads just arrived from wholesalers who will be bringing them back to sell from their home towns and villages. However, it's not easy spotting different styles with such an abundance!

   See all our latest new beads in What's New at or

Bead Buying in China

Happy Valley. Hong KongPictures show Johanne from Southampton Bead Shop, Michael & Sarah from Bead Buyer, and Nigel from MrBead sporting 'local transport'. Plus fireworks at Happy Valley Racecourse, Hong Kong. And there was still time to buy new beads! 

This may look like a lot of fun, but believe me: it's hard work fighting the many problems in this developing communist country where few speak English. Not only is it expensive to get there from the UK - but everything is difficult from the visa, getting around, to arranging half-a-tonne of stones back. It's a wonder your beads are so cheap!

Don't Sell Jewellery Cheap!

If you sell your jewellery cheap, not only won't you make any profit, but you could end up working all hours with no time for creativity.  The end result will be a lot of work for little return.  See the below advert showing what others' are selling simple necklaces for.

Note their recommended retail price is DOUBLE!  So if people will pay this on mail order without actually viewing the jewellery, you're sure to do better in a more-personal environment where the customer can actually see and feel the quality. And I hope you sell in boxes, rather than a cheap velveteen pouch like they do.

For those outside the UK, the sale price is about US$76 for just the necklace, or US$108 with the matching earrings, plus shipping.

Lapis Necklace Offer                                                 

Lapis Lazuli Beads

2 Long Breathtaking Royal Blue & Gold Lapis TeardropsThe combination of royal blue and flakes of gold has made lapis very popular right now.  Its quality speaks for itself making it easy for you to sell.  And everyone expects jewellery made from the gemstone to be expensive, giving you an edge on price.

Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone straight out of fairy tales of the Arabian Nights: deepest blue with golden shining pyrite inclusions which twinkle like little stars.

20 Royal Blue & Gold Lapis Heshi Discs - 12mmNamed after Lapis, the Latin word for stone, and the Arabian for blue. Thousands of years before Christ, Egyptian and Persian royalty wore lapis as a talisman to deter danger. In other cultures it was worshipped as a holy stone and thought to have magical power in oriental countries. Many believe the Biblical sapphire was actually lapis lazuli. Through the ages, lapis has been associated with power, wisdom, love, and a stimulant for psychic ability. And in the art world it’s famous for the ultramarine blue paint used by the Grand Old Masters, like on portraits of the Virgin Mary. While other compositions have long since paled, lapis has lost nothing of its brilliance.

Ravishing Royal Blue Lapis Cube Beads - 8mmLapis is still mined in the remote mountains of Afghanistan, the best stones being deep and intensive blue with finely distributed golden crystals. The twinkling inclusions are not gold but pyrite, caused by iron. The blue color comes from the sulfuric content of lazurite, and looks dull until polished. Lapis is a soft stone that should be treated gently while polishing. Unpolished, the dark blue looks dull with golden inclusions and whitish veins from marble. However, a Lapis which has dulled after being worn too often is easily polished, and jewellery is often surface sealed with wax or resin.

3 Long Barrel Deep-Blue & Gold LapisFor many people lapis is a stone of truth and friendship. Bringing harmony to relationships and helping its wearer openly state their individual opinion. While aiding inner vision, wisdom, insight and good judgment. It’s also said to be good for treating thyroid problems and helping to get in touch with our inner selves. A powerful gemstone that should not be worn by those who lack strength of character.

MrBead has 23 different shapes of lapis beads at and

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For free shipping on our bead store enter LAPISBEADS in the box at checkout and click "Redeem Coupon" Use NOW - as expires Saturday 21st February 2015.  No minimum order, but can only for used at  or and cannot be used with any other discount or eBay.

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