If you make handcrafted jewelry from beads, then eventually you will have a bead storage problem. Cardboard boxes or drawers are not enough. Everyone has their own way, depending on quantity and availability:
- Fishing tackle boxes
- Plastic shoe boxes
- Wood or plastic utensil trays from a supermarket
- Sliding drawers designed for nuts and bolts
- Pencil cases
- Plastic drawer storage bins
- Tool boxes
All these compartments are the ideal size for storing beads,
findings, and tools. Sturdy and portable, they allow you see
project options at a glance.
Inside these drawers you
need to separate different types and sizes of beads. For small
loose beads, tubes are good with a label or photo around. Zippy
seal-able plastic bags are great for strands - plus they have a
large opening to get inside. These bags can be brought from
freezer-food and stationary stores.
Another way is to build narrow shelves for baby food jars. You can even screw the top of the lid to the top of the shelf so they always go back neatly. For small loose beads use old 35mm film containers, candy tins, aspirin bottles, and paint cans for larger beads.
Other ideas
One beader has eight spice
racks that turn, bought second-hand, along with 16 glass jars
with lids for her seed beads. Each jar has several shades of the
same color. She just turns the rack to find the color she's
looking for and the type of bead.
Another beader uses Tic Tac containers when she travels. They're small enough for all the different colors she needs and they never spill. She also stores beads in margarine containers because they're flat and can be piled on top of one another.
Other people use empty travel-size baby-wipe containers to
transport their beads. These are lightweight, the right depth to
hold tubes of beads, and they fit easily into a purse. With a
little imagination, you can utilize many every-day containers.
Transparent or translucent drawers are good for seeing what's
More storage
However, as your collection
grows you'll need a more and more containers. We use plastic
drawers that are stacked together and labeled on the front with
a photograph and a description of the beads inside - each
measures about 8 x 8 x 18 inches.
These are ideal for us and sometimes we stack them ten boxes
high, almost 6-feet up. MiMi has to stand on a stool to reach
the top! Each drawer has a specific type or size
of bead. Some are categorized by the kind of stone and color, as
well as size. All jades are together, as are pearl, turquoise,
and agates. They're also arranged in alphabetical order for fast
finding a drawer.
Plus we use an Excel data base for our
regular stock. Each type of bead is given a number and the
data base tells which draw it is in. So whoever is looking
for a particular bead can easily find it is.
To see our packing section click
– July’s Birthstone
Like a perfect red rose, the Ruby's rich color speaks of
love and passion. July's birthstone is among the most highly prized of gems
throughout history. The Ruby was considered to have magical powers, and was worn
by royalty as a talisman against evil. It was thought to grow darker when
danger was imminent, and to return to its original color once safe.
The word Ruby comes from the Latin "ruber," meaning red.
Ruby is the hardest mineral after diamond, a variety of the mineral Corundum,
and is found as crystals within metamorphic rock. It comes in a variety of
colors, and is called a sapphire in any color except red. Rubies range in hue
from an orangey red to a purplish red, but the most prized gems are a true red.
Large rubies are very rare and valuable. The most beautiful crystals are
thought to be from Burma, but they are also found in many other countries.
Rubies were thought to represent heat and power. Ancient
tribes used the gem as bullets for blowguns, and it was said that a ruby would
boil water instantly. Ground to powder, this crystal was used as a cure for
indigestion - and it has been said that the ruby's red glow comes from an
internal flame that cannot be extinguished, making a gift of this stone symbolic
of everlasting love. And if worn on the left hand, ancient lore has it that the
ruby will bring good fortune to its wearer.
July's Alternate Gemstone - Onyx
Romans, Italians and Hebrew all have a different gemstone for July - Onyx.
Onyx is a term used for several stones. It has been dyed since ancient time, with the popular pure black variety, being dyed microcrystalline quartz. Its natural color is usually brown, white or grey. And onyx used in architecture isn't a form of quartz at all, but a type of limestone marble. Onyx is very similar to agate. With straight bands of brown, white or black, where agate has curved bands of many colors.
regarded as protective, onyx has a reputation as a stone of discord. Onyx was
worn to cool the ardors of love, probably because it helps to balance the mind
and emotions. Not only avoided by lovers, but also at night, as it provoked
nightmares. However, it does improve concentration and devotion, hence many onyx
rosaries. Onyx is a strength-giving stone, aiding confidence and useful for
athletes or people under stress. Its energy is a mental tonic and can help you
cope with fears and worries, making you feel in harmony with your surroundings.
To see our onyx click MrBead.com or MrBead.co.uk top
MrBead Spring Bead Fairs 2012
This spring we exhibited at six shows, with the Lakeland Fair being cancelled.
Beads Up North! – 29th
always does a grand job organizing this fair with good marketing and road
signs. Very busy almost all the time. There is lots of light in this
beautiful location in Haydock Race Course, close to the M6 motorway, and
many exhibitors from down South.
It was easy for MiMi and I to set up early as we were still suffering from jet-lag after arriving in the UK only three-days previous. I always find it strange that everyone is speaking English after just arriving in the UK!
Edinburgh Bead Fair – 6th
is one of my favorites and I love the drive high up on the M6 and the
Scottish culture – we always stay a few days in the Highlands after this
one. The show was as vibrant as ever with many visitors, although
slightly less than usual. The Corn Exchange is a great venue with a
large hall, easy parking and a large catering section.
As usual we stayed the Saturday evening at a Travel Lodge and left right after the show for B&B at a Highland Village, Dunfeld, Perthshire. Great place with great views, and I enjoyed the snow on the high roads there.
MrBead Luton Bead Show – 12th
first in my home town at a small hotel close to junction 10 of the M1
motorway, less than half-an-hour from London.
Although not as busy as I hoped, we did very well with some very large purchases – returning for another show here on 6th October.
Norwich MrBead Show – 13th
second time in Norwich and the busiest show we have ever sold at – every
second was flat out!
Although we marketing for this event well, a lot of credit is due to Lorraine Cannell of TheBeadQueen.co.uk for her extensive campaigning, especially on Twitter where she has over 11,000 followers. Lorraine will be back with us in Norwich showing her original bead jewellery on 21st October.
Cheshire Bead Fair – 20th
& Sharon of Silver Orchid saved the day at this one, after the previous
organizers done a runner with exhibitor’s deposits! Without them
re-organizing the event it would have been cancelled.
As always at Nantwich the show was very busy with a good turnout of both exhibitors and visitor.
BeadyFairs.co.uk have booked the same hall for another bead fair latter this year.
Norwich Bead Society – 14th
second time we have exhibited at this twice-weekly beading group in Norwich
in an excellent local church hall.
As before, there was a good turnout and we will be back in October.
If you would like to join this group just off the Ipswich Road, e-mail Nigel.
To see all our bead fairs booked click http://www.mrbead.com/beadfairs2012.html top
If you have a bead fair or beading group
you would like MrBead to call at when we’re in the UK (next trip 18th
September to end-of-October 2012), please email me at
Read about me (Nigel
Mckay) at my new site at Plus, by
the summer, it will be interactive so you can add your own
content. However, the blog is now fully functional - so please
join in!
Much of this
newsletter was taken
from the book How to Make a Killing Selling Bead Jewelry.
buy at a 33% discount to listed price click:
US Version or
UK Version
$11 or £7 Discount Offer valid until Friday 6th July 2012 only - so act now! Only for use in our
store at the checkout and not valid with any other offers. To see all our beads at MrBead click
MrBead.com or
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Sample our beads with $11 or £7 Discount off in the MrBead bead store, just key in "beadbags" at the checkout (without the
commas) and click "Redeem Coupon".