Nigel's Joomla Notes

How to Put Modules in Articles

  1. Create New Module in Module Manager
  2. Select type of module - many are Custom HTML (like newsletter module)
  3. Name the module (like newsletter), and in field "Position" type same name (like newsletter) and save
  4. Turn off HTML editor and go to Article Manager and the article
  5. Wherever you want the module, type {loadposition name} - where "name" = whatever name you gave the module (like newsletter)

To open link to new page in new window - just set Target Window to "new without navigation"

Original Template was Beez2

Menu Manager

  1. Main Menu is on left & Top Menu on to top


New Modules installed: G Calender - Google calender; AcePolls; Flexheader3 - for images in modules & headers; Google Maps; All Videos;