Happy 2008 from MrBead! Bead Sizes, Garnet, Old Newsletter & a Bead Crossword
This month is bead sizes, January's birthstone garnet + our old newsletters and a fun bead crossword. Scroll down, or click one of the links below on the html version to go to a certain section. If you have any suggestions for the future, please e-mail me at suggestions@mrbead.com. To go to the MrBead store click here. New UK Bead Shop in GB Pounds: MrBead.co.uk
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Bead Sizes
Garnet - January's gemstone
Bead Crossword Puzzle
Free 2008 Calendar
Special Offer - 15% Off!
I often get letters telling me the 8mm beads we mailed are not 8mm. Some people say our 4mm beads look bigger on the picture! Others insist we've sent them the wrong size strand of pearls because most are smaller than we say. Size of beads can either be exact or approximate depending on the type of bead. Simple round bead sizes should be exact: 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm etc. But chip beads, being naturally all different sizes, will not be exactly the size quoted in the sale - some will be longer, but most will be shorter. Bead sellers usually quote the largest size in the strand, this is especially true with natural pearls. Under 25% of the pearls in a strand may be the full size quoted. Nuggets, again being natural, will all be different to an average size listed in the sale. Strands of beads are usually 16-inches (400mm) long. Although pearls are normally sold in 15-inch strands and chips in 32-inch strands. A Choker necklace is 16-inches long, a Princess necklace 18-inches, a Matinee necklace 24-inches, Opera necklace 32-inches, and a Mala necklace of 108-beads can be of any length! A bracelet is usually 7-inches and an anklet 9-inches.
How to
measure your finger
1. Wrap a piece of string or paper strip around the base of your finger. 2. Mark the string or paper where it overlaps to form a complete circle. 3. Measure the length of the section of string or paper where it overlaps around the finger. 4. Compare your measurement with this chart to determine your ring size. 5. Please note: You need to take the knuckle into consideration when sizing. The base of your finger may be smaller then your knuckle. Also wider bands should be sized ˝ -1 size larger. To get your girlfriends ring size, ask to clean her rings the next time your in the mall together. Most jewelry stores will do it for free. Then you can secretly ask the sales person to check the size for you. Or you can slip her ring on your finger and mark the spot it fits. Then measure that spot with the directions above.
To measure a rings for its size, you need to purchase a ring measure like the below. Just slip the ring over the measure and the size is the middle line.
Garnet is January's birthstone, a name given to over ten gemstones with similar chemical structure. Although red occurs most, there are also shades of green, pale to bright yellow and fiery orange garnet. Some rare garnets even change color from daylight to artificial light. “Garnet” derives from the Latin “granum” meaning "grain”. Describing the typically rounded shape of the gemstone and also reminds of pomegranate seeds.
Garnet makes good jewelry because it is very hard, and so resistant to wear. Garnet has been found in jewelry from ancient Greece, Rome, and dating back to 3100 BC in Egypt. Chinese and Japanese warriors made bullets out of garnet because they believed that these would inflict more damage. Even Noah used a lantern from garnet to steer his Ark through the night. Travelers wore garnets for protection from evil, poison and wounds. People thought garnet brightened the night because of its high refraction of light. It was also believed to help depression and prevent nightmares. A red garnet in particular is said to break a fever, stop bleeding and to reduce inflammation.
Today, garnet is prized for its beauty rather than its magical powers. People like its naturalness, its brilliance, and color of a sun-drenched Indian summer. Garnet is said to symbolize happiness as well as deep and enduring love and friendships. Green garnets are the rarest and therefore highly prized. Emerald green and colorless garnet is next rarest, followed by pure red. Garnet comes today mainly from Africa, but also from India, Russia, central and south America. Skilled gem cutters all over the world shape them in classical forms and modern fancy designer’s cuts. to top
33 months of MrBead Newsletters
December is the 33rd MrBead newsletter, and I thank you all for such enthusiastic comments and appreciation. Just click below to see the past newsletters:
Any suggestions for future newsletters would be
appreciated, just email
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Bead Crossword Puzzle ACROSS DOWN |
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Free printable 2008 Calendar here
Free Microsoft 2007 full customizable
printable Calendar
Special 15% Offer !
Sample our beads with 15% off any order from our MrBead bead store, just key in "2008" at the checkout (without the
inverted commas) and click "Redeem Coupon". For US go to
MrBead.com, for UK:
Offer valid until 12th January only - so act now! However, please allow about 4-days longer for all orders to arrive if placed before 5th January. Only for use in our store at the checkout and not valid with any other offers.
To see all garnet in our bead store click here
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