Selling Beads Online,
Sapphire for September & More
This month is how to sell beads online and September's gem, sapphire. Scroll down, or click one of the links below on the html version to go to a certain section. If you weren't mailed this newsletter enter your e-mail address here to receive next month's newsletter
How to Sell Beads Online
Sapphire: September's Gemstone
Genuine Imitation Amber
How to Sell Beads Online
Selling beads online is easy. Much easier than selling
from a bricks & mortar shop or a trade show. Also, because beads are small and
relatively light, they are an ideal product to trade online. You can sell them
by the strand, in batches of loose beads, or strung together as necklaces or
bracelets. It all depends on your supply, if you can get a lot, then strand or
loose will sell faster online. Here are my top ten tips selling beads online:
September's Gemstone
Sapphire is the birthstone for September, and is chemically and structurally the same as ruby, an aluminum oxide. However, where rubies are only red, sapphires come in every color but red: blue, golden yellow, reddish-orange, or violet. The most valuable sapphires have a vivid royal blue color. Some sapphires do change their colors between blue and violet depending on the light.
Sapphires are extremely durable, only diamonds are harder. Sapphires are generally cut into cushions, rounded rectangle or oval shapes. However, fancy sapphires may be triangles, squares, marquises, pear shapes, cabochon cut, or smooth domes. Sapphire is the anniversary stone for the 5th and 45th years of marriage.
Dark blue and lilac sapphire is said to enhance ones creativity while guarding against distraction. It is also good for sexual relationships because it tends create deep bonding between people and brings loyalty.
Light blue sapphire is the inspiration stone. It helps to bring new thoughts and makes one feel excited and full.
Green sapphire brings a lucky sense to ones life for
it allows things to run smoothly.
Orange works on a totally different level by not allowing you to deceive
yourself. It makes you look at things in their basic form without distorting it
to conform to what you want it to be. Brings true knowledge - a good stone for
students, teachers, writers and researchers.
Pink sapphire allows one to surrender to another for the good of the all.
White sapphire helps you take care of yourself and to tend to your personal needs. Yellow sapphire connects you to the total you with all of your inner knowledge. It also helps you to see what you do not know so you can look for an answer, rather than believing you already know the answer.
Blue chalcedony
can look similar to sapphire at a fraction of the cost. Although a very
fine-grained variety of quartz. It has a waxy luster with a compact fibrous
structure. Natural chalcedony is usually grayish blue and sometimes with hints
of pink, however it can be color enhanced to light blue.
It is said that chalcedony was used
as a sacred stone by the Native Americas, promoting stability within the
ceremonial activities of the tribe. Chalcedony is thought to augment emotional
balance, vitality, stamina, endurance, kindness, charity and friendliness. It
also supposedly alleviates hostilities, irritability and melancholy.
For our Chalcedony click MrBead or
Imitation Amber
A young couple was on honeymoon in
California, enjoying the weather and walking along the boardwalks with all of
the small shops. In one they found a case with a sign saying "Genuine Imitation"
next to a display of beautiful necklaces. The wife looked through the selection
and found one that she really loved. It was a bit pricey, but the husband wanted
to buy his bride a memento of the honeymoon trip so they left the store with an
amber colored necklace of carved beads.
The necklace was a favorite and she wore it on many occasions, always thinking
of their honeymoon when she did. After 20+ years the necklace finally broke. She
took it to her local jeweler to ask if he could restring it. He said that it
should not be a problem and took out his loop to look at the beads. While still
examining the necklace he asked if she would be willing to sell it and offered
her $1,000. She very indignantly said "No - it was a gift from my husband, and
anyway why would you pay $1,000 for imitation beads?" The jeweler did not
answer, but did restring the necklace as she requested.
When she returned home, her husband was just as surprised as she was at the
jewelers' offer. He was planning a business trip to New York City and told his
wife that he would take the necklace along and see if one of the famous jewelry
stores there would appraise it. The jeweler there promptly asked if he wanted to
sell the piece and offered him $3,000 for it. The husband said, "Please tell me
what is going on, why would you offer me $3,000 for a necklace made up of
genuine imitation beads? I don't understand" To which the jeweler replied "You
have never looked at these beads with a loop, have you?" "Of course not, why
would we?" replied the husband. The jeweler then went on to explain that the
beads were actually carved amber, not imitation anything, and that each of the
beads was inscribed: To Josephine from Napoleon 18xx.
Story as told by Paul Harvey on "The Rest of the Story" and Cynthia Rutledge.
To see all our amber click or
Special 15% Offer!
Sample any of our beads with a 15% discount in our MrBead bead store, just key in
"amber" at the checkout (without the inverted commas) and click "Redeem
Coupon". Cannot be used with any other coupon.
Offer valid until 4th September only - so act now! Only for use in our store at the checkout and not valid with any other offers.
To see our bead store at MrBead click or
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